Another Future Path
Perspectives have shifted in recent years on the importance of a college degree. It’s been proven time and time again that it is possible to have a rewarding career that pays well and is in-demand without a college degree or student debt.
Studies show that job satisfaction in skilled trade careers is remarkably high. Nearly 9 out of 10 (83%) of skilled trade professionals note their job satisfaction as “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied”. Fewer than 1 in 20 people said they are somewhat or very unsatisfied in their current line of work. Students today have many options for their future career paths. Although there are many opportunities, it can be challenging to face such big decisions! Unfortunately, many students feel pressured to attend college even though it might not be the right path for them.
The Cost of College
According to, the average cost of college in the United States is $35,331 per student per year, including books, supplies, and daily living expenses.
Considering that the overall dropout rate for undergraduate college students is 32.9%, it is also important to keep in mind that those students will still have an obligation to repay student loans without the degree or training to help pay them back. This can also set them back in finding the right path for them.
Parents & students concerned about college costs should consider a skilled trade career. According to some research, after five years, a person who attends trade school and then starts working will be $140,000 ahead, on average, compared to a student who enrolls in a four-year college before working!
Advantages of
Skilled Trade Careers
High Earning Potential
Start Working/Earning Quickly
Opportunity for Growth/Entrepreneurship
High Job Satisfaction
Do Essential Work that Matters
Many Roles to Choose From

Resources for Parents
What is Next for
Your Students?
Making plans for a professional future can be confusing – even scary – for parents and students. Students are often in a position to make a decision that will impact the rest of their lives. What to do after graduating from high school is a decision that a young person often makes before they even know what it is they want or what will bring them fulfillment – all while being influenced by the expectations of others. It isn’t easy!
You’re likely here because you or your student are considering a skilled trade career path. That’s fantastic! We have many connections in the construction trades in York, PA, and resources that you may find helpful as you navigate this path. Please check back often or join our email list as we will publish new information and opportunities for skilled trade careers in York County, PA, regularly.
How Can Parents Help?
Talk to your student about their personal strengths. Ask them questions, like what kind of things they enjoy doing that give them satisfaction?
Participate in researching careers with them. Make sure to find information on the kind of training/education necessary, salary potential, job outlook, and day-to-day responsibilities. Discuss what opportunities there are for advancement in the field.
Recommend that your students discuss career opportunities with teachers and guidance counselors to get additional perspective.
Encourage your student to take skill assessment quizzes.
Help them make connections and speak with professionals in a variety of roles.
Help them explore internships, mentorships, apprenticeships, and job opportunities. There are many opportunities for students interested in skilled trade careers in York County, PA.
Try not to influence your student’s decisions. After all, what you truly want is for them to be happy, fulfilled, and do work they enjoy.
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How YBA Workforce NOW Can Help
We have the inside scoop on local skilled trade career opportunities and training in and around York, PA, and we are always developing
Helpful Posts and Videos
Seven Myths About Skilled Trade Careers Debunked
10 Reasons Why Parents Should Advocate for Skilled Trade Careers
You Don’t Need a College Career to Be Successful. Here are 7 Careers That Prove It
Resources for Educators
As an educator, you likely see first-hand the pressure students are under to make decisions about their future. You also probably know that college is not the right or best path for everyone.
As you help students explore their strengths and learn more about themselves, we hope you’ll find our resources on skilled trade career paths useful. You will also find individual construction trade career exploration flyers, direct connections to employers offering skilled trade apprenticeships, information on YBA Workforce NOW Construction Career Days, scholarships, and more.
How Can Educators Help?
Help us educate others on the benefits of skilled trade careers by accessing and sharing our resources: Job Description Flyers, Skilled Trade Careers Fact Sheet, WFN Video Playlist, and Relevant Blog Posts
Rely on YBA Workforce NOW as a resource to build direct connections with employers in the construction trades
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Local, State, and National
Additional Resources
The YBA Workforce NOW is your resource for opportunities, support, and information about the trades industry.

Local Resources
York County Alliance for Learning – YCAL
Thaddeus Stevens College of Technology
YCEA Workforce Development
YOCO Pathways To Prosperity
Employee Recruitment & Retention in a Post-Pandemic World
How to Start an Apprenticeship/Training Program
State Resources
Pennsylvania Builders Association (PBA) Endorsed Trades Program
PA Office of Apprenticeship and Training
PSU Sokolov-Miller Family Financial & Life Skill Center
National Resources
Generation T
National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Careers in the Construction Trades
NAHB Construction Jobs
National Housing Endowment – (scholarships and grants for industry)
Tool Box Talk – Mental Health and Wellness